Before you book
- What departure time do I specify?
Booking a transfer FROM the airport, seaport, or railway station, indicate the time of your arrival written down in your ticket. Booking a transfer TO the airport, subtract ride duration + 2 hours + up to 30 minutes for unforeseen circumstances from the time of your departure by plane. That means that if your flight departs at 11.00, and the ride duration is one hour, we recommend indicating 7.30 as the time of transfer.
- What about child seats?
We provide child seats for any age on previous notice. If you book a transfer via the online form, simply select the corresponding option in your order. When booking by phone or e-mail, do not forget to order child seats specifically!
- How to book a transfer?
To book a transfer, please use our booking form displayed on the main page http://www.hellenictaxi.com/ and destinations pages. It provides a selection of desired date and time of the ride, pick-up location, destination, number of passengers, returns or one-way ride. Booking will take no more than 5 minutes of your time.
You can also book a transfer by e-mail or phone. We recommend booking a car no later than 24 hours before the ride. Otherwise, make sure to contact us by phone to check the availability of booking.
- How to find my destinations?
If you haven’t found your pick-up location or destination in the booking form, contact us by phone or e-mail. We will organize a ride especially for you without an additional fee!
- The price is for person or for whole vehicle?
The price set for the whole car is marked as “Individual transfer” or “per vehicle”. The price set for a person is used in seasonal group transfers and is correspondingly marked as “Group transfer” or “per person”.
- Is the car suitable for me?
While choosing the car model in the second step of booking, please pay attention to the number of seats indicated close to the car image. Every passenger can take one (1) standard suitcase. Outsized cargo (rigid baby strollers, sports equipment, etc.) should be additionally specified when booking so that we could calculate the car capacity in advance and offer you another option if the car does not match your needs.
- Do you accept the last minute order?
Orders submitted via the online booking form should be sent to us no later than 24 hours before the ride. If you need a last-minute transfer, it will be safer to contact us by phone or e-mail. We will do our best to help you!
- How do I pay for my transfer?
At the moment we are working without advance payment! You pay the full cost of the ride in cash to the driver on the day of transfer.
- What information do I need in order to book?
In order to book a transfer, you will need to provide us with the following information: one of the passengers’ names and surname, contacts (e-mail and phone number), pick-up location, destination. At the moment all transfers are executed without advance payment so you need to specify no payment information!
While booking, you can also specify additional information about your ride. For transfers from airports, seaports, railway stations please indicate the flight or voyage number! This will give us the opportunity to send the car on time despite traveling delays beyond your control. For transfers to airports, ports, railway stations the voyage number will help us calculate the precise time of your ride. We will assist you in correcting it, if necessary.
Before you travel
- My flight is late. What should I do?
Do not worry. We always track down the time of the flight arrival. The transfer car will be waiting for your arrival by any means of transport if the delay has occurred due to circumstances beyond your control. In the case of force majeure and the resulting delay for many hours, we will be thankful if you find a way to inform us. Please also notify us in case the flight number or any other important arrival details are changed.
- How long will the transfer take?
You can find information on ride duration on the Destination page after selecting a particular region. The page with region description contains a detailed schedule with the specified duration of all routes starting from this location.
- My group size has changed, can I choose another vehicle?
You can submit a request for a change of order no later than 24 hours before the ride. To do this, contact us by phone or via the feedback form. You must have all the order details on hand. We cannot guarantee the availability of the necessary motor car on last-minute notice, but we will undertake everything we can in order to help you. Order changing is considered accepted only after our written confirmation!
- What should I do if my flight is canceled or I was late?
Notify us by phone as soon as possible. We will try to postpone the transfer until the time or day of your arrival.
- Where will I meet the driver when I arrive?
Our driver will meet you with a nameplate (with your name and family name written on it) at the place you have specified when ordering a transfer. At the airport, we generally meet our clients at the exit of the arrivals area. At a railway station, we will meet you on the train arrival platform. At a seaport, you will also recognize your driver instantly due to the nameplate. If you order a transfer from a hotel, our driver will be waiting for you in the hall. In case of moving from a cottage, he will walk to the porch or the drive. If you couldn’t meet the driver at the specified time, contact us by phone. We will always help you!
- Does my driver speak English?
All drivers of Hellenic Taxi speak English, Russian, and Greek. You will have no problems in communicating with your assigned driver.
- How to check if you accepted my order?
After the online booking is completed, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with full order information. In any case, check the accuracy of all details specified by you while booking. If you did not receive the confirmation e-mail within 12 hours, please contact us. All orders are both sent to our e-mail and backed up in the booking system. It’s most likely that your order will be found.
Other questions
- Can I book a transfer with more than one stop?
The transfer car can make brief stops along the destined route without previous notice. In case you are planning to linger for a while (for example, to drop by a store on the way), please notify us in advance so we could correct the mileage and the traveling time. Together with you, we can plan and fulfill any kind of route corresponding to your needs. Individual orders are accepted in free form by phone or e-mail.
- Can I cancel an ordered transfer?
You can cancel an ordered transfer at any moment by notifying us via the feedback form. Please do this as soon as possible after making the decision to cancel the transfer!